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Sunday, February 8, 2009

so i finally decided to blog again after like almost a year? hahah. cuz many people have told me this blog is dead and keep on asking me to post so here it is. well. i really don't have much to write about except that training is SUPER boring now. like everyday is just team team team... and it gets sian after awhile. JL is crazy. she fa us 100 double ballet leg for every 1 mistake during the routine. luckily she forgot which part i did wrong and i didn't have to do it.. ahaha. and i can't believe she makes fen and nicole do double hand tread water for 200m. but wtv. 

THE JAPAN COACH IS HERE!! and we'll prolly start training next week!!! :( so yeah.. 

& tell me your blog!! u should know who i'm referring to... YOU!!! and u still owe me a dare. 

ok. signing off. ping :)


5:00 AM

Monday, December 15, 2008
so i've decided to finally post after like 3 months? haha. whatever. we just came back from Malaysian Open 08 and i must say we did rather well. considering the amount of time we trained. especially for team. like 1 week of training and we got silver. quite impressive. haha. we celebrated my birthday there and boy was it surprising.

at 12am on 12 dec, we heard a loud knock on the hotel room door. we opened it only to find it a box on the floor. i took a closer look at it and it was addressed to me. i brought it in and it was a present from celeste. then like 2 mins later, we heard another knock. we opened it but there was no one outside. then suddenly, audrey, geraldine, meishan, celeste, ellen and deborah burst in singing happy birthday. i was super surprised la. then at the dinner that night, min and meishan saboed me and made me go onstage. then like everyone sang happy birthday to me. i tell you.. i was suuuuuper traumatised man. but whatever. anyway. i guess i'll end my post now and hopefully i'll continue blogging. haha.


12:49 AM

Friday, October 3, 2008
hehe.. i guess i haven't really been blogging much.. for like about 3 months.. but its just been so busy.. its exams now and i don't think i'm gonna do very well. just hope for the best man.. damn it. AND.. since everyone has been bugging me to blog, i shall now. disney channel games are damn funny la!!!!
haha.. they won in the end. i really should be mugging for bio, physics and lit.. but i have specially taken time off to do this. see la.. all of your faults man.. ha euphemia.. lol. i haven't being going for synchro and i feel so lethargic at home.. but what to do? need to muggggg.
the exams are quite stupid. they pushed it to end one day later cuz apparently, wednesday was hari raya and the malay students couldn't study on that day, so they made thursday a normal school day.. but school tuened out to be rather interesting..
steph goh, me, ellissa and si were like crowding around a table and we were like gossiping damn a lot.. mainly about ___________. and then, we decided to plan for something.. SURPRISE SURPRISE!! you all will soon figure i out.. well.. some of you.. and we were supposed to be studying, but everytime we picked up our books, someone will start talking about something else and we'll all get distracted. but its so funny luh!! haha :)
ok.. so i just came back from swimming and gosh!! i had to be the "pool woman" again. i had to fish all the leaves out and boy was it tiring!!
haha me and les were messaging just now.. was damn funny. the convo went something like this..
me: is it only chapter 13 is tested for bio? and what chapters are tested for physics?
les: yupp:) physics: 7,8,9 and 10. you have got to listen during class:)
me: haha. 9 and 10 is the whole chapter ah? or are some stuff no tested?
les: omg i wonder what goes in your head you know! 9, everything's tested:( but 10, pg 152, main switch is not tested, pg 154, mcb and rccb is not tested, and the whole of 10.5 is not:) yay!:)
me:haha. thanks.. just call me airhead man! :)eh.. that means chemical effect of a current is also tested ah?
les: woops!:) i forgot about chemical effect:) heh.. its not tested too:)
me: HAHA.. see.. at least something gets into my head! :)
les: haha:) you were UNSURE!! ha! and it just slipped my mind.....

lol.. so stupid la.. but kinda funny.. well i shall end now. gotta mugggg!!! :(
exams over in 6 days!!

7:53 PM

Friday, July 18, 2008
OMG! i can't believe it.. yesterday during training, i had this seriously bad stomachache, and some people think i faked it. why in the world would i fake a stomachache? ok.. maybe cuz i wanna skip training but why would i do that? and if i really faked it, why in the world would i have eaten 5 pills? if i were fine, i would be dead by now right? and if i faked it, i wouldn't have dared to call my mum cuz i'll prolly get a damn bad hantam when i got home.. so i'm telling the truth and not faking one bit yall heard.
right.. in school was really fun. we had like 5 china friends in our class and they took up a lot of our lesson time! was quite fun.. there was this guy and when he was told to introduce himself, he said in english," my name is________ and i'm a boy.'' but we couldn't understand properly so we asked hime to speak chinese.. the real meaning was... my name is______ and cuz i'm the only boy, i'm very nervous. haha.. very funny. and seaweed and i were laughing about a lot of things.. we were damn hyper in the morning.. but then after recess, we were both so tired and zonked out. haha.. whatever la.. sitting with seaweed is so much fun unlike with E.. haha :)


ily seaweed!

12:45 PM

Monday, July 7, 2008
hey!! haha. have been neglecting blogging again... sigh.. got so many test luh so got no time la. anyways, today is youth day. and we decided to surprise celeste as it was her birthday yesterday. so 7 of us, me cheryl, min, meishan, jodie, kelly and joy decided to meet at plaza sing to give her a surprise. joy was supposed to trick cel into going to swensens, where we were gonna surprise her.. however, while meishan was telling us about her trip to europe, suddenly cel and joy walked in and meishan was like," she's here! she's here!" but then, cel saw us already so it was kinda anti climax.. haha. oh wells,but she still was surprised to see us. after lunch and everything, we walked out of swensens and just stood there and were debating where to go next. min had to leave as she had tuition and meishan had to go to vivo.. so it was left with the 6 of us.. and our favourite thing to  do was to space out.. haha. anyway, after like 5 to 10 mins, we decided to watch a movie. we went upstairs but we didnt like anything. so we decided to take the train to shaw and see what there was. so we sat at shaw for awhile debating what to do. then we decided to go to wisma and shop. when we went there, we didnt like anything, so we walked to taka. we decided to just chill out so we went to coffee club and just sit there and talk. after that, we all went our separate ways and went home. thefunny thing about this is, cel kept on going to the toilet after every few minutes la. i think she went to the toilet more than 5 times the whole time we were out. damn funny la. anyway... i had fun. 

i think we should have more synchro get togethers soon... its quite interesting just watching people space out and do wierd stuff. :)

alrighty thens. my post shall end..


5:38 PM

Tuesday, July 1, 2008
haha.. finally an update. after 1 month?? haha. waiting for the rest of the class to finish the questionaire thing.. i'm done liao so i can blog!! :) sigh.. i wanna change my blogskin.. shall do that soon.. if i can be bothered to. hehe :)
oh man! i'm addicted to the jonas brothers's songs. go hear year 3000. its really nice.
and shit.. i got so much work today.. so maybe i shall not go training today. cuz got tuition somemore. i'll ask my mummy if she'll let me skip. got maths, english, pw... a lot la..
haha.. yesterday night, while we were watching tv, a bat suddenly flew into the house. my dad was standing on the steps and he was like: AHHH!! where is it?? he was so freaked. damn funny la. and my bro, he ran to his room and closed the door. me and fen ran to the toilet and locked yourselves in there. then suddenly, we heard my bro's room door open and he shouted:" shit!! the bats in my room! i saw the shadow!" then, all of us ran upstairs and stayed there for safety. haha.
the whole experience was damn funny la.. and my wonderful mother just stood at the glass window and just watched the whole commotion. lol :)

ok.. my post shall end here :) ttfn:)

1:31 PM

Friday, May 23, 2008
just came back from rocs yesterday.. it was kinda fun except for that damn bitch.. she totally daoed me for the last 2 days of rocs for her *******. talk to her she also ignore me.. damn her la.. i feel like blowing a cannon through her head and watch it explode.. not like she has any brains or what.. like damn bitch la.. ruben was so bitchy also la.. and she doesn't know that i know so she assumes everything is still fine.. but thats not so bad..
i'm damn pissed with the bitch.. and she acts as if she's so cool but you should see her pjs. you'll just laugh ur fricking head off to see how lame she is.. like wth.. she's just tryin to fit in la.. pretty soon everyone is just gonna dao her too man.. back in her face..
fuck! aiyah i guess i shld not be bitching.. so i shall generate positive energies now( according to mrs chen)
day 1 and 4 of rocs were the most fun, least tiring days.. day 2 and 3 were killer man!! and i must say.. the food there totally sucked.. i tell you.. it so SUCKED! like there were flies everywhere and it was damn smelly la.. like the restaurant smelt like stupid toilets.. and gosh.. talking about the toilets.. its damn gross.. like at the pineapple farm, there was puke in the toilets la. like so disgusting man! but... i took 450 pictures in this trip :) haha not bad.. sigh..

I MISS JAPAN!!!!!!!!!! but when i left to malaysia, i finally appreciated what we have back here in singapore and i must say we are so damn fortunate.. whatever it is, rocs is finally over and i dont have to see that bitch for 1 whole month.. YEAH!

and to her, i know you'll come to my blog and you'll probably read this but i can't help it. and now you know how sad and pissed during this whole trip.. you spoilt my fun there and i hope you feel bad about it.. :(

9:01 PM